Wednesday 7 October 2015

Feminist and post feminist review - Shut up and drive by Rihanna.

In the song, Rihanna is clad in very tight clothing from the beginning and progressively loses more clothes as it goes on, revealing more of her body. This forward and seductive approach to videoing can be seen as very attractive to make viewers of the song, causing them to grow and interest with the songs video itself and thus the song itself, increasing the revenue Rihanna will make from doing it. 

Rihanna also uses her body in order to potentially gain more male viewers as she poses suggestively to the camera, once again stifling a positive reaction from the make audience who see the video. 

However the lyrics to the song, along with some parts of the video make Rihanna seem more dominant than some of the male audience, proving that women can be seen as equal to men. 
The lyrics, "Shut up and drive" combined with low angled shots of Rihanna prove to work well together in making her seem more powerful. The imperative she uses as a hook to the song makes her sound like she is some sort of boss, giving a worker orders as well as the low angle shots making her seem more superior as she looks down on you are evidence of Rihanna's dominant role in the video. 

It can also be argued that Rihanna is not using her body in order to exploit men in her videos and that instead she is showing confidence in her own appearance and can be seen as empowering for the female audience of the video. 

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