Sunday 8 November 2015

In what ways is Age of Ultron a typical Hollywood film?

A common trait shared by most high grossing and blockbuster Hollywood films is their extravagantly large budget. Marvel Avengers: Age of Ultron is consistent with this tradition as they're film held a very extensive budget of 280 million USD. With such editing and CGI effects as creating the colossal figure that is The Hulk and creating such epic battle scenes over vast plots of land would help aid their budget to be achieved.

An example of the intricacy behind the beast's features.
As well as the Hulk's obviously costly creation process, another majority of the money used in the film will be spent on the booming amount of Superheroes and their powers. With a full team of 9 characters, all with individual powers, The Avengers must pay a super price in order for them to have the VFX that can properly showcase their abilities. This may not completely be seen as all positive, as blatantly obvious effects can destroy the film's mise én scene, however, it certainly does provide enough evidence to show a correlation between itself and a vast majority of other Hollywood films.

Another reason as to how Age of Ultron is a typical Hollywood film is found through it's cast membership. With such a large array of protagonists, the film will need a relatively large cast and, being a Hollywood film, all parts must be filled by a "larger than life" actor, who will generally create an ongoing buzz, promoting the film by just being a part of it. The latest installment into the "Avengers" series is no different to other Hollywood productions with a cast of huge names such as Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Idris Elba, Jeremy Renner and Samuel L. Jackson to name a few.

Overall, the most obvious reason behind Age of Ultron being a typical Hollywood film is evident through the box office success of the film. In total, Age of Ultron grossed over 1.4 billion USD during its running course in theatres. This gargantuan success, is parallel to the success of it's predecessor film, "Marvel's The Avengers" which was released in 2012 and had a recorded gross income of over 1.5 billion USD. The correlation between the abundant mass of money made by Universal in both films proves that Age of Ultron is another typical Hollywood film. Due to the success in terms of money that the original film had, Universal decided that they could make a sequel to the first Avengers title, in hopes of making another heap of money as the end product. Through achieving this goal, they have proven that their job is predominantly money oriented as opposed to being more about the creative aspirations of the producers and directors.

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