Thursday 3 December 2015

Mini Review - Opening scene - Goodfellas

Goodfellas - Opening Scene Mini-Review

The opening scene of "Goodfellas" features a close up shot of three characters all in one car. The majority of the camera's focus is centred on the closest character to the camera. This shot not only establishes the characters as the earliest shot in the film, but it also gives the impression of an importance behind the character whom the camera focuses on.

The dim lighting used in the next shot creates connotations of shadiness and fits into the setting of a crime film. The use of such low-key lighting indicates some sort of wrong doing as the three newly established characters conduct their business in what would seem a hope of not being seen. With such a dark setting, a dark tone is set over the scene, also.

The next two shots are locked down shots as the first character comes forwards and proceeds to stab a bleeding man in the trunk of the established characters' car. 

When the first character moves back, the second character moves forwards and points a revolver at the previously stabbed man. He proceeds to open fire on the bleeding man through a POV shot after stepping closer to the car.

The use of the point of view shot makes the audience feel as though they are involved in the criminal activity being shown on screen, immersing the viewer into the world of crime and thus, the storyline behind the characters and their illicit actions.

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