Thursday 10 September 2015

Genre Conventions - Mise En Scene - ACTION AND THRILLER


Mise en scene is French for "Setting the scene". Setting the scene consists of many different factors, including costumes, make-up, props, the location, lighting, stance of actors and the use of colour and sound.

In an action film, the make up featured would be rather rugged and macho, possibly including the vintage, "HARD-MAN" shaven head. The setting for such a film might be an open warzone, such as a re-creation of France's No-Man's-Land, or a cityscape, such as New York.
Props that may be featured in an action film, rather prominently, would be weapons. Things such as assault rifles and pistols may be a heavily re-used prop as to keep up the high octane pace of the action film.

The costumes that are presented in such films are usually more rugged and aggressive. The clothing that character's wear come across as dirty or damaged due to the high level of aggression demonstrated throughout the production. An example of this would be the costume that Bruce Willis is wearing in the film, "Die Hard"

An action film is known to contain loud gunshot noises and explosions. Fires and smoke, be it from a gun or flames, are no stranger in an action film. The lighting would be potentially dark due to smoke from the flames featured in the setting.

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