Thursday 10 December 2015


December 2015 - Location for filming is decided and confirmed. We will be using a public space and so we may have trouble having absolute privacy all day for filming, meaning we must be patient with our surroundings.
We also confirmed and picked up the props that we plan on using in the film, including weapon props and costumes.

Friday 4 December 2015

Shot List

Shot List

Long-establishing shot of the woods

Extreme close up-foot walking past frame

Medium-Character 1 walking into a clearing, the shot starts on the ground, then pans up to face

Close up-Character 1's hand, holding a compass

High angle-Character 1 looks up and continues walking

Long-Character 1 walking, the shot is partially obstructed by a tree

Low angle-Gasmask watches from a tree branch, holding a knife

Medium-Character 1 walking [rustling sound]

Low angle-Character 1 looks up into trees

Close up-Character 1 turns around

Over the shoulder-Gasmask stood in front of Character 1. He slashes with a knife, Character 1 ducks

Close up-Character 1throws bag to one side

[Several shots of a fight scene, yet to be established]

Longshot-Gaskmask knocked out, lying on the ground. Character 1 runs to the bag.

Extreme close up- Character 1 grabbing bag

Longshot-Character 1 running away

Medium-Character 1 still running

Medium-Character 1 running past a tree. Character 2 steps out from behind the tree. He his holding a gun and shoots Character 1.

Low angle-Character 2 looking down at Character 1's body.

Close up-Character 2 taking bag

Close up-Character 1's face. Character 2 runs away in the background. Title and opening credits scroll up

Thursday 3 December 2015



Mini Review - Opening scene - Goodfellas

Goodfellas - Opening Scene Mini-Review

The opening scene of "Goodfellas" features a close up shot of three characters all in one car. The majority of the camera's focus is centred on the closest character to the camera. This shot not only establishes the characters as the earliest shot in the film, but it also gives the impression of an importance behind the character whom the camera focuses on.

The dim lighting used in the next shot creates connotations of shadiness and fits into the setting of a crime film. The use of such low-key lighting indicates some sort of wrong doing as the three newly established characters conduct their business in what would seem a hope of not being seen. With such a dark setting, a dark tone is set over the scene, also.

The next two shots are locked down shots as the first character comes forwards and proceeds to stab a bleeding man in the trunk of the established characters' car. 

When the first character moves back, the second character moves forwards and points a revolver at the previously stabbed man. He proceeds to open fire on the bleeding man through a POV shot after stepping closer to the car.

The use of the point of view shot makes the audience feel as though they are involved in the criminal activity being shown on screen, immersing the viewer into the world of crime and thus, the storyline behind the characters and their illicit actions.

Fight scene inspiration

The fight scene taken from the film "Green Street" is the scene we decided to use as our largest creative influence and inspiration for our own film due to it's gritty nature and realistic tone. The scene also features several shots with multiple, quick transitions, implying a hectic and chaotic connotation.

Wednesday 2 December 2015



Starring:  Callum McLaughlin, Luke Robinson and Michael Corrigan.
Filmed by: Joe Anderson.

Filming our Preliminary.
What went well:
  • Action packed scenes
  • Innovative use of props
  • Wide array of camera angles
What flaws were shown:
  • Tripod for camera was left in one of our shots
  • Changing of light in a key shot in the production causes the shot to go blurry
  • In the beginning, there was struggle in understanding how to record the shots.

During the filming of the preliminary task, we encountered a few minor problems that have affected the outcome of the task:-
1) Tripod
This fault detracts from the execution of a beautifully orchestrated action shot. However it is easily solved. A simple background check of shots before filming begins will eliminate this problem.

2)Struggles with Technology:-
The use of the camera was a laborious process with having to learn as we went along and also having problems with using other attachments e.g. the tripod. This, similarly to the first issue, is easily solved. A short period of familiarisation and practise with equipment will prove to be beneficial for both the experience of our group in film-making and beneficial for the substance of the task.

3)Focus Flaws:-
There is an issue with the shot becoming blurry during a key scene. This affects the impact of the action shot on the audience because it removes attention from the scene. This is a case of shot choice needing to be re-evaluated as a longer shot may not have blurred but would have had a similar effect as a camera angle.

Despite the problems that were encountered in the making of 'THE GAME CHANGER', there were many positive points on which we as a group could build off of and further improve to leave our task as a stellar example of film-making. These positives include:-
With limited props available to us and not many suitable filming areas in the vicinity, I believe that having to make the most of what we had significantly increased the creativity within the group. This creativity was built off of and became a staple of our task.
The choice of shots, props and the general ethos of the group when working on 'THE GAME CHANGER' had a large impact on how the task played out. Every person was enthusiastic about the task and this was made evident in the performances made by the actors and the scrupulous editing to perfect all aspects of the task.
3)Group Contributions:-
The making of our preliminary task could have been dominated by a few voices with other participants remaining passive and allowing the others to work hard. This, however, was not the case. Every member of the team contributed a part of the film and these complimented other ideas that were already decided upon. This shows that the members of the preliminary task team are capable of adapted to suit their current tasks and this diversity in character only increases the strength of the film. These qualities stood out as building blocks for future projects.

The making of the preliminary task had its positives and negatives. The positives however outweigh the negatives. To improve we as a group must become more aware of what is in the shots and review the scene we set before filming and also familiarise ourselves with the ways in which we can produce a film e.g. use of the camera and editing skills.